Leibniz Universität Hannover Main Leibniz University Website
Structural Engineering
Water and Environmental Engineering
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Transponder return

You no longer need the transponders for the new locking system.

CIP and CAD pool at Callinstrasse 34 have received a new locking system that no longer works via the transponders.

Form for the return

Please return the transponders to receive your deposit back. Please use a solid (!) envelope (bubble envelope) for the return, because transponders have already been lost with normal envelopes (then of course there is no refund) and enclose the form. Please send the transponder by mail to :

Leibniz Universität Hannover  
Institut für Risiko und Zuverlässigkeit
Callinstr. 34,
30167 Hannover 

You can also drop the envelope in the high-rise building Appelstr. 9a in our institute mailbox on the ground floor next to the north entrance, in the right row of mailboxes approximately in the middle.